
Saturday, 10 April 2010

Calendar : 100+ Creative Examples Of Calendar Design

55 Creative and Unique Calendar Designs

Calendar Design - You may have received free calendars to use for the new year, but you shouldn’t settle for them if your eye for design demands more! Since I was on the lookout for beautiful calendar designs myself, I thought I’d help those of you on the same quest by sharing this collection of refreshing and creatively designed calendars, for this year as well as the previous years. You’ll find them here as large posters, multi-page wall calendars, and even as printed products you didn’t expect them to show up in! They’re definitely worth a look, even if you’re already happy with your calendars.

Creative and Unique Calendar Designs

25 Incredibly Creative Calendar Designs

Calendars can make great gifts during the holidays or for graduation, it can serve as an advertising tool, and it can serve as a promotional tool. So here are 25 Creative Calendar Designs hand picked from Behance.

29 Inspiring and Creative 2010 Calendar Designs

The best part is always seeing how creative designers get with their solutions for displaying the month, days and other important elements of the calendar, while still keeping functional. Check out these awesome designs below for some inspiration and feel free to link to any cool calender designs you have created for the new year.

10 Creative Calendar Design Inspiration

We are half-way through this year–2009. And since designing a calendar requires you to do it ahead of time to give time for printing and all, I think it is just about time to think about designing a new calendar for 2010. This post features some very unique and creative printed calendars that you might be interested to check out. Most of these calendars are very unique…something that you might not expect in a calendar.These calendars are also fun to use and may require your involvement since some of them are quite interactive in nature. I hope you will find these calendar designs inspirational. If you are interested to know more about each design, just click on the download link found on each preview image to go to the site of the respective author or designer.

Creative Calendar Design Inspiration

Creative Calendar Designs

How many creative solutions for calendar design are out there? If you take a look around you’ll find out that most calendars are designed in a “standard” linear fashion. Calendar cards usually have the same structure: the month is designed in bold while the days are placed below within a rigid grid structure. Well, it doesn’t have to be like this. In fact, there are a number of creative approaches one can consider when designing calendars.

Creative Calendar Designs

10 Plus Creative Calendar Designs

Calendars are basically doesn”t look in creative way. Most of the calendars are just displaying rows and columns having Months, Days and Dates. Most of the calendars are looking boring or common way of representation.

Plus Creative Calendar Designs

29 Creative Calendar Designs

A calendar is a necessity… probably can’t do without it. But have you ever thought of it as something that can have such an attractive design that it also serves as a decoration piece? Most calendars have more or less the same design. The month is in bold on top and the days are in a grid form below. But does it always have to be like that?

cool Calendar Designs

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